Community Accounts Program
West Seattle Recycling has a Community Accounts program which helps organizations raise money easily through recycling. We have helped boy scout troops, school clubs, sports teams and boosters, food banks, church groups, and local civic organizations raise thousands of dollars over the past 36 years. Here's how it works:
Members or friends of the group bring material into the recycling center. Instead of receiving CASH for your items, the value of the material is credited to your group. We track all individual donors, amount and date of donation and hold these in account. When your group accumulates $30 worth of material, we cut you a check every 6 months that includes a 10% bonus. Please consult our price list for the latest prices: typically supporters of the group bring in newspaper and aluminum cans, but we will credit any item we pay for.
Recycling is a great way for groups to earn money. It is something that any member can do at their convenience - there is no need to set up a special recycling "event" on a designated weekend. You can come in anytime Monday through Saturday 9-5:30. It is also a great way for kids to help out and learn the double benefits of recycling: not only helping out the environment, but raise some money at the same time. Money earned from recycling can go a long way in financing trips, uniforms, scholarships, parties, supplies, or help provide food for local Food Banks or other charitable organizations.
To set up an account, we just need the name, phone and address of a contact person. Please call us at 206-935-4255 for more information.